From Overwhelmed to Empowered:
E-commerce Success for Solopreneurs

Master Facebook Ads and watch your e-commerce sales soar! Enroll in our Facebook Ads Bootcamp today.

Feeling Lost in E-commerce?

Are you tired of feeling like you’re constantly drowning in a sea of e-commerce advice? You’re pouring hours into research, but your sales just aren’t growing.

❌  Trying everything but sales are flat?
❌  Knowledge gaps & limited resources holding you back?
❌  Inconsistent sales creating stress?
❌  Feeling overwhelmed by technology?

Does this sound familiar? You’re not alone. Countless solopreneurs struggle with the overwhelm, confusion, and frustration of navigating e-commerce. But what if there was a better way?

Break Free From The Struggle

You have the potential to build a thriving e-commerce business, a business that fuels your passion and allows you to live life on your own terms. But feeling overwhelmed, lost, and stuck in a cycle of inconsistent sales is holding you back.

Isn’t it just plain wrong to waste another year struggling to figure things out on your own? Isn’t it time to stop guessing and finally achieve the consistent sales growth your business deserves?

Imagine this...

Waking up empowered, knowing you’ve mastered the skill of attracting eager customers who can’t wait to buy your products using Facebook Ads.
Confidently navigating your e-commerce journey with a clear roadmap to success, making you more relaxed about your business.
✅ Having more time for yourself as your business runs on auto-pilot, generating a consistent and predictable sales every month.
Achieving success in your business you’ve always dreamed of to live comfortably. 

Facebook Ads Bootcamp transforms your entire e-commerce experience. We equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to thrive

It’s time to break free from the overwhelm and frustration. Join the Facebook Ads Bootcamp!

Take Control of Your E-commerce Future:

Enroll Now in the Facebook Ads Bootcamp TODAY

MY STORY: From "Let Go" Employee to E-commerce Success

Just like you, I know the pressure of needing to put food on the table for my family. After being let go from my 6-figure corporate job due to restructuring, I took a leap of faith and launched Nordic EDC, my e-commerce store selling handcrafted leather goods. The competition was fierce, but I found my niche.

The Struggle Was Real:

At first, I poured my heart into consistent social media posting, but the results were inconsistent. Orders trickled in, but it wasn’t enough to truly thrive. The stress of not making enough sales was a constant burden.

The Breakthrough Moment:

The game-changer came when I discovered the power of paid advertising. But let me tell you, it wasn’t a magic bullet. I had to learn the hard way how to craft irresistible offers that grabbed attention and sent curious visitors to my website. Retargeting those warm leads with compelling sales offers finally unlocked consistent growth.

From Frustration to Freedom:

Now, the challenge has shifted – keeping up with the surge in orders! I went from the stress of not having enough sales to the happy problem of fulfilling them all. This journey taught me invaluable lessons, and I’m passionate about sharing them with you.

My mission is to help solopreneurs like you, with limited budgets, achieve similar success.

3-Step ROADMAP to Predictable Sales

Step 1:

Enroll in the facebook AdS Bootcamp

Ditch the guesswork. Learn proven strategies to craft targeted Facebook & Instagram ads that reach your ideal customer.

Step 2:

Fast-Track Your Implementation

No tech overwhelm. Our program is designed for solopreneurs with clear, step-by-step instructions. Get the knowledge you need quickly.

Step 3:

Achieve Consistent and Predictable Sales Growth

See predictable results and transform your business. Move beyond the feast-or-famine cycle and achieve the income you deserve.

Stop Guessing, Start Growing!

Enroll Now in the Facebook Ads Bootcamp TODAY


Module 1:

Facebook Ads Strategy

Using the right Facebook Ads strategy is crucial. In this module I cover the strategy that we are going to use to make our Facebook Ads as effective and efficient as possible. I will show you how this strategy works and why this is best suited for an e-commerce business.

Module 2:

Tech check

In order for Facebook Ads to work optimally, we need to set up a few things. I will show you how to set everything up for success, including Business Manager and Facebook Ads accounts, Facebook Pixel. Connecting your instagram account, verifying your domain name and more. This is a very important module for future long term success. 

Module 3:

Facebook Ads Structure

Facebook Ad campaigns are split into 3 parts. The campaign, the ad set and the actual ads. In this module we will set up this structure for an e-commerce business and assign budgets at the right levels.  

Module 4:

Testing Ads and Audiences

In this module we are going to create your first FB ad! In order to do it the right way we will be setting the correct campaign objective, set a daily budget, target the right customers and create different ad types. 

Module 5:

Retargeting until customer shop

Once people learn about your business from your social media presence or from your Facebook ads, it is time to re-target them and keep showing them the ads until they purchase from your shop using “custom audiences”. And to keep the sales funnel growing, we will set up Facebook Ads to show our ads to more people similar to the ones who have interacted with your brand using “lookalike audiences”. 

Module 6:

Scaling Ads to Generate More Sales!

Running Facebook Ads means running several experiments to find which ads are working and doubling down on it. At the same time keeping an eye on which ads are not working and switching them off. In this module, we will look at the KPIs that we like to consider for our E-commerce businesses while making important decisions. 

Success stories from our customers...

"ROAS > 6. Revenue growth over 90%"

Using Facebook Ads and the strategies that we teach in the Facebook Ads Bootcamp, I managed to grow my one man, handmade leather goods business by 90% in just one year!

Frequently asked questions

Yes, the Facebook Ads Bootcamp provides a foundational understanding and step-by-step guidance for launching Meta Ads on Facebook and Instagram. My goal is to help you get the ads working for you so you can generate sales consistently so you can focus on developing other aspects of your e-commerce business.

The course is designed for busy solopreneurs, offering bite-sized modules and actionable strategies you can implement quickly. I will be showing you exactly what to do and where to click so you can just follow along!

The course focuses on effective marketing strategies that don’t require a big financial investment. In fact, I strongly recommend in the course to only start with a very small budget (€5/$5) every day. And only scale the ads once you see success over time. 

The course doesn’t require advanced technical knowledge. I have intentionally designed the course to do a lot of handholding and show you exactly what to do and where to click. All you have to do is just follow along.  

Absolutely! We offer ongoing support through email. Just drop us an email at and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Yes! The course provides proven strategies that have helped numerous solopreneurs with a limited budget achieve predictable income from their e-commerce businesses using Facebook Ads. Everything in the course is based on what I have implemented in my own business. In this course, I talk from experience, both successes and failures with Facebook ads, so you can implement what works and be careful to not make the same mistakes as I did.   

This course focuses on targeted strategies specifically designed for e-commerce success, going beyond generic marketing advice.

Absolutely! The course helps you identify your ideal customer and develop targeted campaigns that resonate with your audience. In the strategies section of the training, we cover what a good offer is. You will take that idea and apply it in your business niche to stand out from competition and attract customers.

Upon enrollment, you’ll receive immediate access to all course materials so you can get started immediately! 

Facebook changed their company name and now the parent company is called Meta. Meta also acquired Instagram a few years ago.

When you run “Meta Ads” (earlier called Facebook ads) your ads can be shown on all of Meta owned platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. 

Many people who have been advertising with Facebook still call  Meta Ads by its old name; Facebook Ads. But really, Meta Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads are all the same. 

It sure does! The strategies and techniques demonstrated in this course are ones that numerous solopreneurs use today. There are some adjustments you need to make post iOS 14 and I’ve created bonus material to make sure you know how to implement.

Not at all. I detail a number of highly effective Facebook Advertising strategies that are suitable for businesses at different stages of their development. I also explain which strategies will work best for your business so that you can focus on what will really move the needle for you.

I’ve only seen two reasons why the strategies detailed in this course wouldn’t work. 1) You are trying to sell a product or service that no one wants (it doesn’t matter how good your Facebook Ads are, they won’t be able to sell stuff there is no demand for). 2) You don’t implement what I show you, or you implement it in a different way. There are so many different strategies for different types of businesses. This course is created specifically for e-commerce businesses. 

Absolutely! The Facebook ads landscape can change very quickly. I’m continually updating and adding to the course material to make sure you have the very best information and  techniques at your disposal.

Ditch the sales roller coaster!

Our Meta Ads Bootcamp shows you how to generate consistent sales.